Real Competition
I recall being on the track team in high school, and feeling that mix of energy at the starting line up; anxious, palms sweating, and heart racing. My body knew that something big was getting ready to happen, and it was preparing me for fight. I would get set in the blocks, the gun would fire, and I was off. Down that stretch, tackling hurdles like it was nobody's business.
As I tackled the hurdles, I could not look back, or worry about who was in front or behind me; it was me against the hurdle. One, two, three, kick that leg up to clear the hurdle. In the beginning of my track career, I often got my left knee scraped up because I didn't quit have my rhythm down. With more practice and focus, I eventually got my steps right, and could just cruise across that hurdle. That was in the 90s...things are bit slower now, but the lesson is the same.
I think about those hurdles often now. I need to make the right steps, so I won't fall on my face, and I most definitely can't focus on my “competition” because that would throw me off. All that being true, the main point still comes back around to me, THE therapist, THE owner, THE ultimate decision-maker. Who am I (you) competing against exactly?
Ponder these thoughts with me, as you think about who you are competing against:
1. Who can do what you do? Well, in reality, there are number of people that can, but can they do it the way that you do it? That is the real question. You are so unique in your passion, and the manner in which you handle business can not be duplicated because you bring the uniqueness.
2. Who is in your village? Align yourself with people that are in a position of which you aspire to attain. Surrounding yourself with people that are in the same position that you are, yields less focus on getting to the next level. If the next level is in front of you and thriving, you have something tangible to look forward to.
3. Where is the real help when you need it? The saying, "A closed mouth don't get fed", is so true in this respect. No one will even know that you need help unless you ask. Asking for assistance does not equate to weakness or lack of intelligence. It is the mark of a leader, an entrepreneur, a winner.
So back to that question about competition...who are you competing against? YOU! It's just you! You choosing to move forward or to look backwards. You choosing to do your best or your worst. You choosing to create a niche or fall into the abyss of tradition. Regardless of the area of life that you are trying to make forward movement in, this lesson can apply. Challenge yourself, and keep your eye on the prize, which is not behind, to the left, or to the right of you...look ahead.
Renew Your Life!