Take a Load Off

I have to laugh at myself sometimes!  I thought that once I got this website completed that I would be writing a blog every week. Where did that weird idea come from?  Well, life fooled me.  The minute I finish one project, here comes another that requires just as much, if not more of my attention.  I don't have another mind, another arm, or hand to get all the "extras" completed that seem to come my way.  Life has shown me once again how precious time is.  We only get 24 hours per day, which is not a lot once you divide that time between sleep, career work, family, housework, and on a good day, a seat on the couch for 10 minutes...that 24 hours can get away from you really quick.

 I recall when I worked at hospice, which was an hours commute from my house, a co-worker would ask me how did I do all the stuff that I did; for instance take care of all the aforementioned and have time to make a dessert for our weekly team meeting.  I had no clue at the time, I just did it.  Well as life has sped up, and my body wants to slow down, I am reminded constantly that I have been gifted a few commodities that I must take care of because they will not be replaced. 

So....as I try to get life together, I hope you are encouraged by these suggestions to take heed of your commodoties:

1) Don't cram your day with Impossibles.  For instance, committing to being at a meeting on the other side of town at 130p, when you have to get your kids from school at 245p.  You will be in a rush, and will not be able to "show up" at either place because the clock is ticking and calling you to your next task.  So mark something off of that to-do list.

2) Have a to-do list.  Write down everything that you want to get down that day, then prioritize that list.  Circle the top 3 things that are Absolutes for your day to be successful.  By marking off those 3 as completed at the end of the day, you have accomplished something, and will be reminded that the most important tasks have been taken care of.  You can transition the remaining items to tomorrow's list, or just start off new.  

3) Breathe.  Step outside for a moment and breathe.  My dear friend refers to this as a "fresh wind" (I love that).  Allowing yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths and speak an encouraging word to your being provides that burst of energy and motivation to hop back into the game to make the most efficient use of your time. 

4) Smile at Others & Laugh at Yourself.  Really simple, (1) it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, and (2) laughter is an endorphin releaser, the stuff that makes you feel good.  So why not?  

So, if you find yourself inundated with the daily tasks of life,  implement some of these tips to help take a load off.

Renew Your Life!