Renewal Life Counseling, LLC

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Trauma Unresolved

There is a great definition of trauma that is found in the core of your being. It is located in that space between your past and your present. That slight pause between your inhale and your exhale. It is buried beneath that time you thought you were ok, and the moment that you realized you were not. Trauma was and is whatever you define it to be. That is the beauty and the curse of trauma. It is definitive and based off of your subjective memory. It is your selective excerpts of the experience and the truth that you don’t want to acknowledge.

That’s some deep stuff…trauma that is! We have or will experience some aspect of trauma in our life that is coddled in our experiences across the lifespan. It can be complicated, and it can just be another day in the life because “trauma” has become the norm. Thus we don’t have the insight to acknowledge the changes to our bodies that have surfaced and began to metastasize to every part of our being.

What to do, when your body is overwhelmed by such experience? Where do you go, when all seems lost or just confusing? How do you recover? Consider this ACTion plan to begin your journey.

Acknowledge-Be willing to call a spade a spade. The truth is, sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge our trauma, because if we accept that knowledge, we can’t undo what we know. This first step, may be the hardest require that you spend significant time digging deep. Write out your thoughts to begin to uncover the truth or talk with someone that you trust to listen.

Cover Up-Be willing to clothe yourself with knowledge about how trauma works in the body. It is important to your healing to understand how trauma has manifested behaviorally, physically, and emotionally in your life. Having this information will assist in breaking patterns of coping that are creating more harm to you than help.

Transition-Be willing to change. Again, sometimes we can become so use to trauma and the unhealthy remnants of it that we just view trauma as the norm. It becomes an expected part of our being. The goal here is to be aware that traumatic experiences are going to occur with simply existing, but your reaction to trauma does not have to be submissive by allowing it to take over your life.

These steps set you up to begin your path to healing what's unresolved. Getting unstuck, per se! So define trauma as you may, the real work comes with implementing a plan. ACT like you want it!

Renew Your Life!